世界の言語を発見しよう・Discovering the World’s Languages

  • 言語と単語の違いを知る/言語が複数あり、多様であることを知る
  • Understand the difference between languages and words/Know that there are many diverse languages
  • 言語音の多様性を発見し、受け入れる/よく知らない言語音を注意深く聞く
  • Discover diversity in phonetics/Listen carefully to unknown sounds


  • 知らない言語の歌を聞き分け、理解し、産出しようとする
  • Listening, understanding, and signing songs in unfamiliar languages
  • 音を聞いて、イントネーションを比較してみる
  • Listening to sounds and comparing intonation
  • ある言語にはある音が、他の言語にはないことに気が付く
  • Noticing that sounds are in one language may not be in another


  • 様々な言語における単数/複数の機能について理解する
  • Understand the function of singular/plural forms in various languages

リンゴ3つ・Three Apples

  • 言語が複数あり、多様であることを知る
  • Know that there are many, diverse languages
  • 馴染みのない言語の聞き取りをする
  • Listening to an unfamiliar language
  • 言語音の表記の仕方について、気付きを深める
  • Deepen awareness of how language sounds are written

曜日・Days of the week

  • 工事中・under construction

月の名前・Names of Months

  • 工事中・under construction

お天気キャスター・Weather Reporter

  • 工事中・under construction


  • 工事中・under construction


英語長文リスニング・English Long-listening Passages (工事中)







1. Mary and Her Mother (304 words)

2. An Underwater Adventure (368 words)

3. Mandarin Trees (438 words)

4. Spoils of War (469 words)

5. A Day in the Life (508 words)

6. Sarah in a New Country (523 words)

7. My Ancient Home (624 words)

8. A Harsh Mountain & A Clever Woman (675 words)

9. Planes, Trains, and Local Delicacies (723 words)

10. My Best Friend (460 words)

11. Fair Dinkum (549 words)

12. A Warm Winter (579 words)

13. Dekasegi (636 words)

14. Seeing Red (662 words)

15. What is Litter? (710 words)

16. A New Stage of Life (757 words)

17. Madoka’s Uganda (778 words)

18. Ripped Off But Satisfied (911 words)

19. Part-time Job (457 words)

20. Mustapha (513 words)

21. Countryside Here and Elsewhere (559 words)

22. Celebrating Independence Day (590 words)

23. A Very Good Holiday (624 words)

24. International Marriage (672 words)

25. A Trip to the Past (747 words)

26. A Dying Culture? (764 words)

27. My Quechua-Speaking Grandmother (893 words)

28. A Tale of Two Halves and More (722 words)

29. When the Heavens Opened (765 words)

30. Same Space Different Worlds (822 words)

31. When in Rome (865 words)

32. Heading for the Trans-Siberian (898 words)

33. Mothers in Mongolia (913 words)

34. Home Sweet Home (917 words)

35. Bishkek, I Love You! (998 words)

36. Life in Matapila (1043 words)